Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Blog, Old Stories!

       The first blog i have done is right here! This is the part 1 of a new begining. Let me tell you about my life as an american teenager...
        My parents are divored and my mom remarried about 4-5 years after the split. My mom has a photography business as * Celeste Cota Photography * ! I don't always get to spend time with her that much because she is working really hard to make her dream a reality! and so am I.
         My dream is to be a singer song writter. Some how when the world gives me the chance, it seems lik that chance is over. I have been swimming at the bottom of the pool, just jumping to touch the clouds. The clouds are soon getting easier to reach because i work as hard as i can, 250% of my work goes into my dream. I put myself out there and take the risks not many of my friends could believe i would do. Every year in class, i seem to find 2 friends that i really like and be drawn closer to one. Its a life drama for the past 12 years. Well more lik 8 years.
          When I was 4, my parents divored. Course, I didn't understand anythingat the time so it was really hard going on with life having to live in something i couldn't comprehend. I always even then put myself into the world like i was me. BUT, all those who thought it was a phase, began to grow as the person who was not afraid of anything. I was so confused a year and a half ago but not at all now!!!!
           Some how i live on. But this is just the begining of my desires! ...

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